
Award information – Awards are given based on judging of poster presentations. Posters are judged by 2-4 experts who may include faculty, graduate students, and staff members.

All awardees will be given a certificate of award. Students who are currently enrolled (summer or the fall after the SPUR) are typically awarded with a prize too! Only one prize is given per poster. If there are multiple presenters of the poster, the first author awardee can divide up the prize to the other presenters if warranted.

Prizes (to current students) are processed in Aug-Sept each year after the SPUR so please be patient.

SPUR Awards 2024

Funding support for 2024 awards provided by:

  • Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science (Primary Sponsor)
  • Office of the President
  • Office of the Provost
  • Naveen Jindal School of Management
  • Office of Undergraduate Education
  • Eugene McDermott Scholars Program
  • Department of Computer Science
  • Office of Research and Innovation
  • School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
  • Department of Biological Sciences
  • Office of Graduate Education
  • Department of Chemistry
  • Department of Neuroscience
  • Center for Advanced Pain Studies
  • Department of Psychology
  • Center for Children and Families NSF REU
  • ENSURE Program
Award Sponsor (note: May not be affiliated with student major)Student Name
President’s Office AwardArrio Gonsalves
President’s Office AwardRahma Arif
President’s Office AwardAlyssa Chiev
Provost Office AwardBhavana Sudula
Provost Office AwardDavid Martinez
Provost Office AwardGarima Gupta
Provost Office AwardMaxwell Ugochukwu
Provost Office AwardSpandan Mukherjee
Provost Office AwardZoe  Du
Provost Office AwardPranav Ramesh
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardAadil Razack
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardAaron Merritt
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardAndrew Rajan
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardClaire Wang
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardConnor Hoy
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardDaniel Elliott
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardDiego  Rascon Aldana
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardDiego Villegas
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardEmma Liu
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardEshitasri Punuganti
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardGeethanjali Bingi
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardManasreddy Mallesh and Idrees Sayeed
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardJacob Burkhart
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardJordan Gatts
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardJoshua Cheng
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardJuanna John
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardJulius Weiler
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardKade Ponzo
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardLaney Waydick
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardLanie Wang
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardLily Nguyen
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardMarina Reeves
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardMarvin Alvarez
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardMedhansh Kashyap
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardMichael Hellman
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardMichelle Bryarly
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardMohammad Ahmad Khan
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardNathan Jamieson
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardReagan Pennington
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardSanjana Chemuturi
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardShaan Sidhwani
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardShannon-Renee Odoi
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardShruthigna Chandupatla
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardSophia Vargas
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardStephanie Untermeyer
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardSwathi Pillai
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardTaksheel Aileni
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardTian Wang
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardTiffany Truong
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardWilliam  Doan
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science AwardZaina Anarwala
JSOM SPUR AwardAlejandro Nerio Garza
JSOM SPUR AwardLuchiano Fernando
JSOM SPUR AwardQamar Omari
JSOM SPUR AwardRoma Patel
JSOM SPUR AwardSunehra Chowdhury
Natural Sciences and Mathematics AwardCole Johnson
Natural Sciences and Mathematics AwardHarish Jawahar
Natural Sciences and Mathematics AwardLaura Hua
Natural Sciences and Mathematics AwardNancy Tran
Natural Sciences and Mathematics AwardSamar Ahmed
Natural Sciences and Mathematics AwardZainab Qavi
Office of Graduate Education AwardKatarzyna Drewniak
Office of Graduate Education AwardLucie Nguyen
Office of Graduate Education AwardMeghana Vadlamudi
Office of Graduate Education AwardNavya Grandhe
Office of Graduate Education AwardSneha Gummadi
Office of Research AwardAllison Luong
Office of Research AwardArden Peterson
Office of Research AwardClaire O’Sullivan
Office of Research AwardElizabeth Martinez
Office of Research AwardErica Nah
Office of Research AwardKareena Kamal
Office of Research AwardNatalia Hernandez
Office of Research AwardNikhil Damera
Office of Research AwardWeston DeAtley
Office of Undergraduate Research AwardAashna Goyal
Office of Undergraduate Research AwardIshani Pain
Office of Undergraduate Research AwardMansi Madaik
Office of Undergraduate Research AwardNaba Chaudhry
Office of Undergraduate Research AwardRahael  Javaid
Office of Undergraduate Research AwardRodrigo Guimaraes Raposo de Medeiros
Office of Undergraduate Research AwardSamarth Anantuni
Office of Undergraduate Research AwardTejas Devata
Biological Sciences AwardCharles Birt
Biological Sciences AwardJoshua Choi Choi
Biological Sciences AwardYining Liu
Biological Sciences AwardZain Syed and Jaimahesh Nagineni
Center for Advanced Pain Studies AwardRebekah Simcik
Center for Advanced Pain Studies AwardSee Tack
Chemistry and Biochemistry AwardAman Rahman
Chemistry and Biochemistry AwardKirti Manjit
Chemistry and Biochemistry AwardMihir Singh
ENSURE AwardCalvin Paradise
ENSURE AwardSydney Lawley
Neuroscience AwardIshayu Gupta
Psychology AwardRoshan Chunduri
NSF REU – Culturally Responsive Research in Developmental Science AwardJuan Diego Bayona
NSF REU – Culturally Responsive Research in Developmental Science AwardRaven Bacchas
Psychology AwardShreya Ravi

SPUR Awards 2023

Funding support for 2023 awards provided by:

  • Office of the President
  • Office of the Provost
  • Naveen Jindal School of Management
  • Office of Undergraduate Education
  • Eugene McDermott Scholars Program
  • Department of Computer Science
  • Office of Research and Innovation
  • School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences (BBS)
  • Department of Biological Sciences
  • Office of Graduate Education
  • ENSURE Program Award
  • Center for Children and Families NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates
  • Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing
  • Department of Neuroscience
  • Center for Advanced Pain Studies
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology
  • School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences
  • Department of Psychology
Award NameStudent Name
The Department of Computer ScienceAarush Shintre
The Office of Undergraduate EducationAbbas Pirwani
The Office of Research and InnovationAbdelrahman Shalaby
The Department of Biological Sciences Adib Ahsan
The Office of Research and InnovationAditya Shetty
Presidents Award $250Akshita Krishnan
The School of Behavioral and Brain SciencesAkshita Mukka
The Mechanical Engineering Department Alice Leland
The Mechanical Engineering Department Alyssa Tran
The Naveen Jindal School of ManagementAman Rahman
The Department of Computer ScienceAndrew Gruber
The Left for Children and FamiliesAnika Richter
The Office of the Provost Anthony Wu
The Left for Advanced Pain StudiesAriana Williams
The ENSURE Program Award Arlin Khan
The Office of Undergraduate EducationAvalene Tan
The School of Behavioral and Brain SciencesAvaneesh Rade
The Naveen Jindal School of ManagementAvery Galligher
The Left for Advanced Pain StudiesAyaan Mohammed
Presidents Award $250Bhargavasairam Murari
The Eugene McDermott Scholars Programchelsea Edosomwan
The Naveen Jindal School of Management Chloe Allen
The Department of Biological SciencesClaire Wang
The Office of Graduate EducationCole E. Johnson
The Naveen Jindal School of ManagementConnor Hoy
The Department of Computer ScienceDaniela De Nobrega Viaje
The Eugene McDermott Scholars ProgramDevin Harkins
The Office of the Provost Dolen Muizers
The Office of the ProvostElijah McNeil
The Department of Computer ScienceEric Zhang
The Office of Undergraduate Education Ethan Conner
The Naveen Jindal School of ManagementFagun Shah
The Office of Undergraduate EducationFareeha Faruk
The Naveen Jindal School of ManagementGeorge Kidane
The Office of the Provost Hari Srinivasan
The Office of the ProvostHarish Jawahar
The Eugene McDermott Scholars ProgramHayah Naveed
The School of Economic, Political and Policy SciencesHeer Shah
The Department of Biological SciencesHyunmo Yang
The School of Behavioral and Brain SciencesIsabella Burda
The School of Behavioral and Brain SciencesJack Krupa
The Office of the ProvostJaideep Kaur
The Left for Children and FamiliesJanine Settle
The Department of PsychologyJasha Dela Cruz
The Naveen Jindal School of ManagementJay Nabar
The Office of Graduate EducationJessica Fink
The ENSURE Program AwardJesus Sotelo
The Naveen Jindal School of ManagementJorge Rodriguez
The Office of Undergraduate Education Joshua McCulley
The Office of Graduate EducationJuanna John
The Office of Research and InnovationJuhi Sahay
Presidents Award $500 Kareena Kamal
The School of Behavioral and Brain SciencesKatarzyna Drewniak
The Office of the ProvostKaye Mabbun
The Department of Computer ScienceKeval Shah
The Department of Computer ScienceLeigh Preimesberger
The Naveen Jindal School of ManagementLily Peinhardt
The Office of the ProvostLuisa Villafranca
The ENSURE Program AwardMaria Solano
The Department of Speech, Language, and HearingMartha Paola Golemon
The Office of the ProvostMarvin Alvarez
The Office of the ProvostMedhansh Kashyap
The Eugene McDermott Scholars ProgramMeghana Vadlamudi
The Office of the ProvostMicah Keown
The Office of Undergraduate EducationMichelle Huang
The Naveen Jindal School of ManagementMiguel Yague
The Office of Undergraduate EducationNancy Tran
The Department of NeuroscienceNatalia Hernandez
The Office of the Provost Neha Satish
The Naveen Jindal School of ManagementNeissa Molin
The ENSURE Program Award Nethra Selvakumaran
The Department of Computer ScienceNhi Dao
The Office of the ProvostNicole Huning
The Office of the ProvostNitin Chikkodi
The Eugene McDermott Scholars ProgramOlivia Reed
The Office of the ProvostOnyedi Ololo
The Office of the ProvostPrecious Grace Castillo
The Naveen Jindal School of ManagementPreston Khetsavanh
The Office of the ProvostPriyadharshini Pammal Manikandan
The Naveen Jindal School of ManagementRakshak Ravichandran
The Eugene McDermott Scholars ProgramReillan Sawyer
The Office of the Provost Rishabh Thatte
The Naveen Jindal School of ManagementRobert Herrera
The Naveen Jindal School of Management Ryan Dam
The Office of the ProvostRyan Faris
The Department of Biological SciencesSachchit Diwate
The Office of Research and InnovationSafa Radde
The Eugene McDermott Scholars Program Sahana Dhananjayan
The Eugene McDermott Scholars Program Samantha Mussell
The Office of Graduate EducationSamhitha Reddy Palla
The Department of Speech, Language, and HearingSana Khan
The Department of Computer ScienceSarah Zaki
The Naveen Jindal School of ManagementSebastian Oliva
The Department of NeuroscienceSharada Krishnagiri
The Department of Computer ScienceShaurya Dwivedi
The Office of Undergraduate EducationShreya Mekala
The Office of the ProvostShreya Tirumala Kumara
The Office of the Provost Siddarth Jayakumar
The Naveen Jindal School of ManagementSneha Gummadi
The Naveen Jindal School of ManagementSohila Elfar
The Eugene McDermott Scholars ProgramSpandan Mukherjee
The Department of Computer ScienceSravya Kotamraju
The Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology Srividya Nalladdhighal
The ENSURE Program AwardSydney J. Lawley
The Office of Undergraduate EducationTemi Ogunsanya
The Eugene McDermott Scholars ProgramThu Minh Dang
The Office of the ProvostTrevor Weyman
The Office of Research and InnovationVivian Le
The Office of Undergraduate EducationWendy Tang
The Department of Biological Sciences Weston “Pidge” Stanley
The Office of the ProvostWilliam Loud
The Naveen Jindal School of ManagementYanet Admasu
The Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology Yannis Kwon
The Office of the ProvostYusuf Noffel
The Office of the Provost Zain Syed
The Naveen Jindal School of ManagementZarin Hasan

SPUR Awards 2022

Funding support for 2022 awards provided by:

  • Office of the Provost
  • Naveen Jindal School of Management
  • School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences (BBS)
  • Office of Undergraduate Education
  • Office of Research and Innovation
  • Department of Computer Science – Jonsson School of Engineering
  • Center for Advanced Pain Studies
  • BBS NSF Program – Culturally Responsive Research in Developmental Science
Award NameStudent Name
CAPS Honors Presentation Award Alejandro Morales
SPUR Honors Presentation Award Aminah Sumayyah Hussain
SPUR Honors Presentation Award Arjun Raghuram
BBS Honors Presentation Award Aryan Verma
NSF REU Honors Presentation Award Aurora Borealis Rochin
SPUR Honors Presentation Award Christina Gu
BBS Honors Presentation AwardCiro D Randazzo
SPUR Honors Presentation AwardDeepika Krishnan
SPUR Honors Presentation AwardGuan Hong Chen
SPUR Honors Presentation AwardHamshitha Sasidhar
SPUR Honors Presentation AwardHudson Hicks
SPUR Honors Presentation AwardManahil Firdaus, Keyur Patadia
CAPS Honors Presentation AwardMursal Hussein
SPUR Honors Presentation AwardNicole Huning
Computer Science Honors Presentation AwardRishik Kanchanapally, Luke Liu, Jennifer Zhang
SPUR Honors Presentation Award Rosalyn Brysch
SPUR Honors Presentation Award Sameeha Gazi
SPUR Honors Presentation AwardShreya Jagan, Nuhaa Mohammed
SPUR Honors Presentation AwardShreya Tirumala Kumara
BBS Honors Presentation AwardSindhuja Naru
SPUR Honors Presentation AwardStephanie Morgan
SPUR Honors Presentation AwardVijval Nataraja
SPUR Honors Presentation AwardZainab Afsar Faheem
SPUR Poster AwardAlyssa Tran
SPUR Poster AwardBernadette Weigman
SPUR Poster AwardCalvin Dinh Man Uong
Computer Science Poster AwardDakota James Soles
SPUR Poster AwardEmad Siddiki
SPUR Poster Award Gayathri Vijayakumar, Armaan Sood
SPUR Poster AwardGrace Moore
SPUR Poster AwardHari Srinivasan
SPUR Poster AwardJames Antoni Widner
SPUR Poster AwardJoshua Hyun Jang
Computer Science Poster AwardJoshua Das
SPUR Poster AwardJunseok Jang
SPUR Poster AwardKevin Fritz
SPUR Poster AwardLuke Frazeur
SPUR Poster AwardMadison Ibe
SPUR Poster AwardOfelia Gomez
SPUR Poster AwardOm Vadodaria
SPUR Poster AwardOwais Sayeed
NSF REU Poster AwardPaloma Elisa Salas
SPUR Poster AwardPaula Phan
SPUR Poster AwardRobin Reeves
SPUR Poster AwardSamantha Mussell
SPUR Poster AwardSamhita Bandaru
SPUR Poster AwardSarah Eddin
SPUR Poster AwardTasha Rustandi
SPUR Poster AwardTeresa Thai
SPUR Poster AwardUmair J Mohammed